Search Results: "Martin Pitt"

9 September 2011

Martin Pitt: Dropping PostgreSQL 9.0 packages for Debian/Ubuntu/backports

PostgreSQL 9.1 has had its first release candidate out for some two weeks without major problem reports, so it s time to promote this more heavily. If you use PostgreSQL, now is the time to try it out and report problems. We always strive to minimize the number of major versions which we have to support. They not only mean more maintenance for developers, but also more upgrade cycles for the users. 9.0 has not been in any stable Debian or Ubuntu release, and 9.1 final will be released soon. So we recently updated the current Ubuntu development release for 11.10 ( oneiric ) to 9.1. In Debian, the migration from 8.4/9.0 to 9.1 is making good progress, and there is not much which is left until postgresql-9.0 can be removed. Consequently, I also removed 9.0 from my PostgreSQL backports PPA, as there is nothing any more to backport it from. However, that mostly means that people will now set up installations with 9.1 instead of 9.0, and won t magically make your already installed 9.0 packages go away. They will just be marked as obsolete in the postgresql-common debconf note. If you want to build future 9.0 packages yourself, you can do this based on the current branch: bzr branch lp:~pitti/postgresql/debian-9.0, get a the new upstream tarball, name it accordingly, add a new changelog with a new upstream version number, and run bzr bd to build the package (you need to install the bzr-builddeb package for this). Update 2011-09-09: As I got a ton of pleas to continue the 9.0 backports for a couple of months, and to keep it in Debian unstable for a while longer, I put them back now. I also updated the removal request in Debian to point out that I m mainly interested in getting 9.0 out of testing. I don t mind much maintaining it for a couple of more months in unstable. My dear, I had no idea that my backports PPA was that popular!

21 August 2011

Chris Lamb: Timezone bingo in debian/changelog files

Tim pointed out that it's worth travelling simply for the new timezone in your debian/changelog entries. We can use AptFs to work out who has collected the most so far:
import os
import glob
import itertools
import collections
from dateutil.parser import parse
from debian.changelog import Changelog
data = collections.defaultdict(set)
for package in glob.glob('/apt/*'):
    if os.path.islink(package):
        continue # Consider source packages only
        changelog = Changelog(open('%s/debian/changelog' % package))
        continue # Ignore invalid changelogs
    for entry in changelog:
        except ValueError:
            pass # Ignore invalid dates
fn = lambda x: len(x[1])
top = sorted(data.items(), key=fn, reverse=True)
for k, g in itertools.groupby(top, key=fn):
    print "\n%d timezone(s):" % k
    for author, timezones in sorted(g):
        print " * %s (%s)" % (
            author.encode('utf8', 'ignore'),
            ', '.join(sorted(timezones, reverse=True)),
14 timezone(s):
 * Bdale Garbee <> (-0800, -0700, -0600, -0500, -0400, -0300,
   +1300, +1100, +1030, +0900, +0300, +0200, +0100, +0000)
12 timezone(s):
 * Joey Hess <> (-1000, -0900, -0800, -0700, -0500, -0400,
   -0300, -0200, +0300, +0200, +0100, +0000)
11 timezone(s):
 * Paul Wise <> (-0400, -0300, +1300, +1100, +1000, +0930,
   +0900, +0800, +0200, +0100, +0000)
9 timezone(s):
 * Barak A. Pearlmutter <> (-0700, -0600, -0500, -0400, +0500,
   +0300, +0200, +0100, +0000)
 * Martin Michlmayr <> (-1000, -0700, -0300, +1100, +1000,
   +0300, +0200, +0100, +0000)
 * Martin Pitt <> (-0800, -0700, -0600, -0500, -0400, +0300,
   +0200, +0100, +0000)
 * Sam Hocevar (Debian packages) <> (-0700, -0500, -0400, -0300,
   +0930, +0300, +0200, +0100, +0000)
Full output. However, something tells me we aren't going to see widespread gamification of Debian development.

14 June 2011

Gerfried Fuchs: Debian/Ubuntu packages for pgadmin3 1.14.0 Beta 1

Martin Pitt announced packages of PostgreSQL 9.1 Beta 2 in his blog. Following this, I am hereby announcing the availability of pgadmin3 version 1.14.0 Beta 1 which amongst other things has added support for PG 9.1. You can find it in Debian experimental and backports for Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, 10.10 and 11.04 in my pgadmin3 backports for stable Ubuntu releases PPA. Enjoy!

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Martin Pitt: Debian/Ubuntu packages for PostgreSQL 9.1 Beta 2

Hot on the heels of the Announcement of the second 9.1 Beta release there are now packages for it in Debian experimental and backports for Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, 10.10. and 11.04 in my PostgreSQL backports for stable Ubuntu releases PPA. Warning for upgrades from Beta 1: The on-disk database format changed since Beta-1. So if you already have the beta-1 packages installed, you need to pg_dumpall your 9.1 clusters (if you still need them), and pg_dropcluster all 9.1 clusters before the upgrade. I added a check to the pre-install script to make the postgresql-9.1 package fail early to upgrade if you still have existing 9.1 clusters to avoid data loss.

11 May 2011

Martin Pitt: Packages for PostgreSQL 9.1 Beta 1 now available

Two weeks ago, PostgreSQL announced the first beta version of the new major 9.1 version, with a lot of anticipated new features like synchronous replication or better support for multilingual databases. Please see the release announcement for details. Due to my recent moving and the Ubuntu Developer Summit it took me a bit to package them for Debian and Ubuntu, but here they are at last. I uploaded postgresql-9.1 to Debian experimental; currently they are sitting in the NEW queue, but I m sure our restless Debian archive admins will get to it in a few days. I also provided builds for Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, 10.10. and 11.04 in my PostgreSQL backports for stable Ubuntu releases PPA. I provided full postgresql-common integration, i. e. you can use all the usual tools like pg_createcluster, pg_upgradecluster etc. to install 9.1 side by side with your 8.4/9.0 instances, attempt an upgrade of your existing instances to 9.1 without endangering the running clusters, etc. Fortunately this time there were no deprecated configuration options, so pg_upgradecluster does not actually have to touch your postgresql.conf for the 9.0 9.1 upgrade. They pass upstream s and postgresql-common s integration test suite, so should be reasonably working. But please let me know about everything that doesn t, so that we can get them in perfect shape in time for the final release. I anticipate that 9.1 will be the default (and only supported) version in the next Debian release (wheezy), and will most likely be the one shipped in the next Ubuntu LTS (in 12.04). It might be that the next Ubuntu release 11.10 will still ship with 9.0, but that pretty much depends on how many extensions get ported to 9.1 by feature freeze.

12 April 2011

Martin Pitt: Improved PyGI documentation

As a followup action to my recent Talk about PyGI I now re-used my notes to provide some real wiki documentation. It would be great if you could add package name info for Fedora/SUSE/etc., and perhaps add more example links for porting different kinds of software! Please also let me know if you have suggestions how to improve the structure of the page.

8 April 2011

Martin Pitt: PyGTK is dead, long live PyGI! App Developer Week Talk

On next Monday this cycle s Ubuntu Application Developer Week classes will start. The topic that kept me busy most in this cycle was Python gobject-introspection, and porting pygtk2 apps to PyGI (see my initial steps and my report from the PyGI hackfest.) To spread the love, there will be two talks about this next week: On Monday 17:00 UTC the very Tomeu Vizoso himself will explain what gobject-introspection ( GI ) is, why we need it, and how library developers use it to ship a good and useful GI binding ( typelib ) for application developers. I will then follow up on Tuesday 16:00 UTC about the app developer side, in particular how to use the GI typelibs in Python, and how to port PyGTK2 applications to PyGI. For the most part these sessions are distribution neutral (we don t have any special sauce for this in Debian/Ubuntu, it all happened right upstream :-) ); only a very small fraction of it (where I explain package names, etc.) will be specific to Debian/Ubuntu, but shouldn t be hard to apply to other distributions as well. So please feel invited to join, and bombard us with questions!

26 January 2011

Martin Pitt: Na zdrav PyGI!

(Update: Link to Tomeu s blog post, repost for Last week I was in Prague to attend the GNOME/Python 2011 Hackfest for gobject-introspection, to which Tomeu Vizoso kindly invited me after I started working with PyGI some months ago. It happened at a place called brmlab which was quite the right environment for a bunch of 9 hackers: Some comfy couches and chairs, soldering irons, lots of old TV tubes, chips, and other electronics, a big Pirate flag, really good Wifi, plenty of Club Mate and Coke supplies, and not putting unnecessary effort into mundane things like wallpapers. It was really nice to get to know the upstream experts John (J5) Palmieri and Tomeu Vizoso (check out Tomeu s blog post for his summary and some really nice photos). When sitting together in a room, fully focussing on this area for a full week, it s so much easier to just ask them about something and getting things done and into upstream than on IRC or bugzilla, where you don t know each other personally. I certainly learned a lot this week (and not only how great Czech beer tastes :-) )! So what did I do? Application porting After already having ported four Ubuntu PyGTK applications to GI before (apport, jockey, aptdaemon, and language-selector),
my main goal and occupation during this week was to start porting a bigger PyGTK application. I picked system-config-printer, as it s two magnitudes bigger than the previous projects, exercises quite a lot more of the GTK GI bindings, and thus also exposes a lot more GTK annotation and pygobject bugs. This resulted in a new pygi s-c-p branch which has the first 100 rounds of test, break, fix iterations. It now at least starts, and you can do a number of things with it, but a lot of functionality is still broken. As a kind of finger exercise and also to check for how well pygi-convert works for small projects now, I also ported computer-janitor. This went really well (I had it working after about 30 minutes), and also led me to finally fixing the unicode vs. str mess for GtkTreeView that you got so far with Python 2.x. pygobject and GTK fixes Porting system-config-printer and computer-janitor uncovered a lot of opportunities to improve, a big perl -e kind of script to do the mechanical grunt work of the porting process. It doesn t fix up changed signatures (such as adding missing arguments which were default arguments in PyGTK, or the ubiquitous user_data argument for signal handlers), but at least it gets a lot of namespaces, method, and constant names right. I also fixed three annotation fixes in GTK+. We also collaboratively reviewed and tested Pavel s annotation branch which helped to fix tons of problems, especially after Steve Fr cinaux s excellent reference leak fix, so if you play around with current pygobject git head, you really also have to use the current GTK+ git head. Speaking of which, if you want to port applications and always stay on top of the pygobject/GTK development without having to clutter your package system with make install s of those, it works very well to have this in your ~/.bashrc:
export GI_TYPELIB_PATH=$HOME/projects/gtk/gtk:$HOME/projects/gtk/gdk
export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/projects/pygobject
Better GVariant/GDBus support The GNOME world is moving from the old dbus-glib python bindings to GDBus, which is integrated into GLib. However, dbus-python exposed a really nice and convenient way of doing D-Bus calls, while using GDBus from Python was hideously complicated, especially for nontrivial arguments with empty or nested arrays:
from gi.repository import Gio, GLib
from gi._gi import variant_type_from_string
d = Gio.bus_get_sync(Gio.BusType.SESSION, None)
notify = Gio.DBusProxy.new_sync(d, 0, None, 'org.freedesktop.Notifications',
    '/org/freedesktop/Notifications', 'org.freedesktop.Notifications', None)
vb = GLib.VariantBuilder()
vb.add_value(GLib.Variant('s', 'test'))
vb.add_value(GLib.Variant('u', 1))
vb.add_value(GLib.Variant('s', 'gtk-ok'))
vb.add_value(GLib.Variant('s', 'Hello World!'))
vb.add_value(GLib.Variant('s', 'Subtext'))
# add an empty array
eavb = GLib.VariantBuilder()
# add an empty dict
eavb = GLib.VariantBuilder()
eavb.init(variant_type_from_string('a sv '))
vb.add_value(GLib.Variant('i', 10000))
args = vb.end()
result = notify.call_sync('Notify', args, 0, -1, None)
id = result.get_child_value(0).get_uint32()
print id
So I went to making the GLib.Variant constructor work properly with nested types and boxed variants, adding Pythonic GVariant iterators and indexing (so that you can treat GVariant dictionaries/arrays/tuples just like their Python equivalents), and finally a Variant.unpack() method for converting the return value of a D-Bus call back into a native Python data type. This looks a lot friendlier now:
from gi.repository import Gio, GLib
d = Gio.bus_get_sync(Gio.BusType.SESSION, None)
notify = Gio.DBusProxy.new_sync(d, 0, None, 'org.freedesktop.Notifications',
    '/org/freedesktop/Notifications', 'org.freedesktop.Notifications', None)
args = GLib.Variant('(susssasa sv i)', ('test', 1, 'gtk-ok', 'Hello World!',
    'Subtext', [],  , 10000))
result = notify.call_sync('Notify', args, 0, -1, None)
id = result.unpack()[0]
print id
I also prepared another patch in GNOME#640181 which will provide the icing on the cake, i. e. handle the variant building/unpacking transparently and make the explicit call_sync() unnecessary:
from gi.repository import Gio, GLib
d = Gio.bus_get_sync(Gio.BusType.SESSION, None)
notify = Gio.DBusProxy.new_sync(d, 0, None, 'org.freedesktop.Notifications',
    '/org/freedesktop/Notifications', 'org.freedesktop.Notifications', None)
result = notify.Notify('(susssasa sv i)', 'test', 1, 'gtk-ok', 'Hello World!',
            'Subtext', [],  , 10000)
print result[0]
I hope that I can get this reviewed and land this soon. Thanks to our sponsors! Many thanks to the GNOME Foundation and Collabora for sponsoring this event!

10 December 2010

Matt Zimmerman: Ubuntu Brainstorm Top 10 for December 2010

As I mentioned recently, the Ubuntu Technical Board is reviewing the most popular topics in Ubuntu Brainstorm and coordinating official responses on behalf of the project. This means that the most popular topics on Ubuntu Brainstorm receive expert answers from the people working in these areas. This is the first batch, and we plan to repeat this process each quarter. We ll use feedback and experiences from this run to improve it for next time, so let us know what you think. Power management (idea #24782) Laptops are now outselling desktops globally, and laptop owners want to get the most out of their expensive and heavy batteries. So it s no surprise that people are wondering about improved power management in Ubuntu. This is a complex topic which spans the Linux software stack, and certainly isn t an issue which will be solved in the foreseeable future, but we see a lot of good work being done in this area. To tell us about it, Amit Kucheria, Ubuntu kernel developer and leader of the Linaro working group on Power Management, contributed a great writeup on this topic, with technical analysis, tips and recommendations, and a look at what s coming next.
I am going to attempt to summarize the various use profiles and what Ubuntu does (or can do) to prolong battery life in those profiles. Power management, when done right, should not require the user to make several (difficult) choices. It should just work providing a good balance of performance and battery life.
IP address conflicts (idea #25648) IP addressing is a subject that most people should never have to think about. When something isn t working, and two computers end up with the same IP address, it can be hard to tell what s wrong. I was personally surprised to find this one near the top of the list on Ubuntu Brainstorm, since it seems unlikely to be a very common problem. Nonetheless, it was voted up, and we re listening. There is a tool called ipwatchd which is already available in the package repository, and was created specifically to address this problem. This seems like a further indication that this problem may be more widespread than I might assume. The idea has already been marked as implemented in Brainstorm based on the existence of this package, but that doesn t help people who have never heard of ipwatchd, much less found and installed it. What do you think? Have you ever run into this problem? Would it have helped you if your computer had told you what was wrong, or would it have only confused you further? Is it worth considering this for inclusion in the default install? Post your comments in Brainstorm. Selecting the only available username to login (idea #6974) Although Linux is designed as a multi-user operating system, most Ubuntu systems are only used by one person. In that light, it seems a bit redundant to ask the user to identify themselves every time they login, by clicking on their username. Why not just preselect it? Indeed, this would be relatively simple to implement, but the real question is whether it is the right choice for users. Martin Pitt of the Ubuntu Desktop Team notes that consistency is an important factor in ease of use, and asks for further feedback.
So in summary, we favored consistency and predictablility over the extra effort to press Enter once. This hasn t been a very strong opinion or decision, though, and the desktop team would be happy to revise it.
Icon for .deb packages (idea #25197) Building on the invaluable efforts of Debian developers, we work hard to make sure that people can get all of the software they need from Ubuntu repositories through Software Center and APT, where they are authenticated and secure. However, in practice, it is occasionally necessary for users to work with .deb files directly. Brainstorm idea 25197 suggests that the icon used to represent .deb packages in the file manager is not ideal, and can be confusing. Matthew Paul Thomas of the Canonical Design Team responds with encouragement for deb-thumbnailer, which makes the icon both more distinctive and more informative. He has opened bug 685851 to track progress on getting it packaged and into the main repository.
I have reviewed the proposed solutions with Michael Vogt, our packaging expert. Solution #1 is straightforward, but we particularly like solutions #5 and #10, using a thumbnailer to show the application icon from inside each package.
Keeping the time accurate over the Internet by default (idea #25301) It s important for an Internet connected computer to know the correct time of day, which is why Ubuntu has included automatic Internet time synchronization with NTP since the very first release (4.10 warty ). So some of us were a little surprised to see this as one of the most popular ideas on Ubuntu Brainstorm. Colin Watson of the Ubuntu Technical Board investigated and discovered a case where this wasn t working correctly. It s now fixed for Ubuntu 11.04, and Colin has sent the patches upstream to Debian and GNOME.
My first reaction was hey, that s odd I thought we already did that? . We install the ntpdate package by default (although it s deprecated upstream in favour of other tools, but that shouldn t be important here). ntpdate is run from /etc/network/if-up.d/ntpdate, in other words every time you connect to a network, which should be acceptably frequent for most people, so it really ought to Just Work by default. But this is one of the top ten problems where users have gone to the trouble of proposing solutions on Brainstorm, so it couldn t be that simple. What was going on?
More detail in GNOME system monitor (idea #25887) Under System, Preferences, System Monitor, you can find a tool to peek under the hood at the Linux processes which power every Ubuntu system. Power users, hungry for more detail on their systems inner workings, voted to suggest that more detail be made available through this interface. Robert Ancell of the Ubuntu Desktop Team answered their call by offering to mentor a volunteer to develop a patch, and someone has already stepped up with a first draft. Help the user understand when closing a window does not close the app (idea #25801) When the user clicks the close button, most applications obediently exit. A few, though, will just hide, and continue running, because they assume that s what the user actually wants, and it can be hard to tell which has happened. Ivanka Majic, Creative Strategy Lead at Canonical, shares her perspective on this issue, with a pointer to work in progress to resolve it.
This is more than a good idea, it s an important gap in the usability of most of the desktop operating systems in widespread use today.
Ubuntu Software Centre Removal of Configuration Files (idea #24963) One feature of the Debian packaging system used in Ubuntu is that it draws a distinction between removing a package and purging it. Purging should remove all traces of the package, such that installing and then immediately purging a package should return the system to the same state. Removing will leave certain files behind, including system configuration files and sometimes runtime data. This subtle distinction is useful to system administrators, but only serves to confuse most end users, so it s not exposed by Software Center: it just defaults to removing packages. This proposal in Ubuntu Brainstorm suggests that Software Center should purge packages by default instead. Michael Vogt of the Ubuntu Foundations Team explains the reasoning behind this default, and offers an alternative suggestion based on his experience with the package management system.
This is not a easy problem and we need to carefully balance the needs to keep the UI simple with the needs to keep the system from accumulating cruft.
Ubuntu One file sync progress (idea #25417) Ubuntu One file synchronization works behind the scenes, uploading and downloading as needed to replicate your data to multiple computers. It does most of its work silently, and it can be hard to tell what it is doing or when it will be finished. John Lenton, engineering manager for the Ubuntu One Desktop+ team, posts on the AskUbuntu Q&A site with tools and tips which work today, and their plans to address this issue comprehensively in the future. Multimedia performance (idea #24878) With a cornucopia of multimedia content available online today, it s important that users be able to access it quickly and easily. Poor performance in the audio, video and graphics subsystems can spoil the experience, if resource-hungry multimedia applications can t keep up with the flow of data. Allison Randal, Ubuntu Technical Architect, answers with an analysis of the problem and the proposed solutions, an overview of current activity in this area, and pointers for getting involved.
The fundamental concern is a classic one for large systems: changes in one part of the system affect the performance of another part of the system. It s modestly difficult to measure the performance effects of local changes, but exponentially more difficult to measure the network effects of changes across the system.

20 September 2010

Martin Pitt: PostgreSQL 9.0 final released

After 20 days of final polishing and maturing since the release candidate, the PostgreSQL team released the final 9.0 version today. Hot off the press, I uploaded postgresql-9.0 final into Debian unstable; they will not go into Debian Squeeze, because Squeeze is frozen and it will take a long time to port all the packaged server side extensions to 9.0. If you are on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS or Ubuntu 10.10, you can add my PostgreSQL backports for stable Ubuntu releases PPA, which will carry 9.0 until it can be moved to the official Ubuntu backports (i. e. when 9.0 goes into Ubuntu Natty). Enjoy, and kudos to the PostgreSQL team!

27 May 2010

Rog rio Brito: Please let me zoom my documents!

It all started when I tried to typeset my documents with the Utopia typeface, which is Free Software, since Adobe liberated it to the TeX Users Group. There are some nice packages for changing fonts in LaTeX with Utopia, like mathdesign and fourier. But I wanted to play with a new toy, XeTeX. Then, seeing as small caps was missing from the fonts that Adobe donated, I tried to just fake them with a program that I had never heard of before: fontforge. My first attempt wasn t that very successful, but, after reading a little bit of the code, the reason for the problem was soon discovered. At the same time, I wanted to see what I had done with a PDF reader. The options aren t many here: xpdf was already removed from Debian s unstable (which is the distribution that I use), trying to update it proved to be unsuccessful and upstream isn t that active (which, by the way, led to the creation of the poppler project). Unfortunately, some of the Free PDF viewers seem to be limited to a maximum zoom of 400%, while some documents seem to demand more zooming (especially those with little, tiny letters, and for those people, like myself, that don t have good eyesight). Patching the programs to eliminate those hardcoded limits isn t that hard, but the results with evince and epdfview can be frightening: a very simple document, when zoomed with epdfview to, say, 1600% uses so much memory that one needs to watch out for the Out Of Memory killer and so much swapping that it is hard to believe. Don t believe my words. Just try it. But, hey, I just want to see a document without having to suffer too much. And 400% isn t enough for many documents that I have. Especially when I want to see how a given font has been rendered on a document. I have not yet investigated the real cause of the huge memory consumption, but I would trust the words of the developers, that evince does everything in a big piece of memory. On the other hand, if one compiles poppler right from the sources, its demo program for the glib backend can display files in a zippy manner, even with very large zooms. xpdf, though, works very well with higher zoom levels, without making the whole computer grind to a halt. Seeing as Martin Pitt has stripped xpdf to be able to use the poppler backend, I was animated to have the best of both worlds: the frequent updates of poppler and the lightness of xpdf. Martin s port of xpdf doesn t compile with a recent poppler, though: the library has changed a lot since 2006. And, in many respects, for good reason, since the original code is not that clean. But it makes harder for luses like me to use code based on fast-changing libraries. Well, to cut a long story short, after two afternoons hunting down a version of poppler that would allow me to compile Martin s xpdf version, I got bored and tried to attack the problem. Now I can use this alternative version of xpdf with the poppler backend, with very little dependencies and with little memory usage on my computer. I m keeping it for my private use, but if anybody else is interested, please let me know.

20 April 2010

Matt Zimmerman: Lucid ruminations

A few months ago, I wrote about changes in our development process for Ubuntu 10.04 LTS in order to meet our goals for this long-term release. So, how has it turned out? Well, the development teams are still very busy preparing for the upcoming release, so there hasn t been too much time for retrospection yet. Here are some of my initial thoughts, though. A more complete set of retrospectives on Lucid should give us some good ideas for how to improve further in Maverick and beyond. Update: Fixed broken link.

6 February 2010

Robert Collins: Adding new languages to Ubuntu

Scott recently noted that we don t have Klingon available in Ubuntu. Klingon is available in ISO 639, so adding it should be straight forward. Last time I blogged about this three packages needed changing, as well as Launchpad needing a translation team for the language. The situation is a little better now: only two packages need changing as gdm now dynamically looks for languages based on installed locales. libx11 still needs changing a minimal diff would be:
=== modified file 'nls/compose.dir.pre'
--- libx11-1.2.1/nls/compose.dir.pre
+++ libx11-1.2.1/nls/compose.dir.pre
@@ -406,0 +406,1 @@
+en_US.UTF-8/Compose:     tlh_GB.UTF-8
=== modified file 'nls/locale.alias.pre'
--- libx11-1.2.1/nls/locale.alias.pre
+++ libx11-1.2.1/nls/locale.alias.pre
@@ -1083,0 +1083,1 @@
+tlh_GB.utf8:           tlh_GB.UTF-8
 === modified file 'nls/locale.dir.pre'
--- libx11-1.2.1/nls/locale.dir.pre
+++ libx11-1.2.1/nls/locale.dir.pre
@@ -429,0 +429,1 @@
+en_US.UTF-8/XLC_LOCALE:       tlh_GB.UTF-8
Secondly, langpack-locales has to change for two reasons. Firstly a locale definition has to be added (and locales define a place a language and locale information like days of the week, phone number formatting etc. Secondly the language needs to be added to the SUPPORTED list in that package, so that language packs are generated from Launchpad translations. Now, gdm autodetects, but it turns out that only complete locales were being shown. And that on Ubuntu, this was not looking at language pack directories, rather at
which langpack-built packages do not install translations into. So it could be a bit random about whether a language shows up in gdm. Martin Pitt has kindly turned on the with-incomplete-locales configure flag to gdm, and this will permit less completely translated locales to show up (when their langpack is installed without the langpack nothing will show up).

8 January 2009

Miriam Ruiz: Debian and Ubuntu packages for Calibre, an e-book converter and library management

Some weeks ago I bought myself an e-book reader, Sony Reader PRS 505. It is a really cool gadget, and as I usually read a lot of stuff in my computer, it is somehow an investment in my eyes. I decided on this one because the support for Linux is quite well, through the unofficial Free Software project Calibre. Calibre is primarily an e-book cataloging program: it manages your e-book collection for you, and it is designed around the concept of the logical book (i.e. a single entry in the database that may correspond to ebooks in several formats). It also upports conversion from a dozen different ebook formats to LRF and EPUB. A graphical interface to the conversion software can be accessed easily by just clicking the Convert E-books button. A lot of input formats are supported: MOBI, LIT, PRC, EPUB, ODT, HTML, CBR, CBZ, RTF, TXT, PDF and LRS. After some weeks of work, Martin Pitt and I have finished the packages for Debian and Ubuntu, which are right now waiting in the Debian NEW Queue. You can temporarily get them from here, compiled for Debian SID AMD64, but of course you can build them for your platform, or wait until they enter Debian.

26 July 2008

Philipp Kern: Stable Point Release: Etch 4.0r4 (aka etchnhalf)

Another point release for Etch has been done; now it's the time for the CD team to roll out new images after the next mirror pulse. The official announcements (prepared by Alexander Reichle-Schmehl, thanks!) will follow shortly afterwards. FTP master of the day was Joerg Jaspert, who did his first point release since Woody, as he told us on IRC. We appreciate your work and you spending your time that shortly before going to Argentina. This point release includes the etchnhalf update introducing a new kernel image (based on 2.6.24) and some driver updates. Additionally the infamous openssl hole will be fixed for good, even for new installs. Again I want to present you a list of people who contributed to this release. It cannot be complete as I got the information out of the Changed-by fields of the uploads. From the Release Team we had dann frazier (who drove the important kernel part of etchnhalf), Luk Claes, Neil McGovern, Andreas Barth, Martin Zobel-Helas and me working on it. ;-)

23 July 2008

Adrian von Bidder: Mediawiki

PostgreSQL upgrade from 8.2 to 8.3. This really should be automated (... but I guess I understand why it's not.) At least it does work as advertised, thanks a lot to Julien Danjou. And thanks to Martin Pitt and the PostgreSQL developers for making it so painless to run several PostgreSQL versions side by side. Now there's a serious database.

9 June 2008

Robert Collins: 10 Jun 2008

Recently I read about a cool bugfix for gdb in the Novell bugtracker on I ported the fix to the ubuntu gdb package, and Martin Pitt promptly extended it to have an amd64 fix as well. I thought I would provide the enhanced patch back to the Novell bugtracker. This required creating new Novell login as my old CNE details are so far back I can't remember them at all. However, hard-stop when I saw this at the bottom of the form: "By completing this form, I am giving Novell and/or Novell's partners permission to contact me regarding Novell products and services." No thank you, I don't want to be contacted. WTF.

12 April 2008

Philipp Kern: Wrapping up Sarge into a nice package

We escorted Sarge to its last home. 3.1r8 is done, thanks to all the people who made it possible. A big thanks goes to James Troup, our ftpmaster of the day doing all the grunt work of getting a new point release out of the door. To bring in a more personal feeling of who makes this all possible, here is a list of people contributing uploads to 3.1r8 (mostly people from our fabulous Security Team): I would also like to thank dann frazier, Luk Claes, Martin Zobel-Helas and Neil McGovern for helping with the preparation of the point release.

6 November 2007

Christian Perrier: Give credit where due...

I recently ranted about Ubuntu not giving much credit to Debian. I have to complete this by thanking the Merge-o-Matic feature which (for a few months now) sends to package maintainers a diff file with the Debian package when a new Ubuntu package is uploaded. This sometimes make it quite easy to spot modifications done by Ubuntu and eventually adopt them. This already bringed me, as maintainer, a few interesting patches for iso-codes, console-data and geneweb. In the case of iso-codes, samba and geneweb, the Ubuntu patch was even reported manually as a Debian bug by a Ubuntu contributor/developer (no later than today, Martin Pitt took care to suggest us to adopt bzip2 compression for iso-codes and Mathias Gug proposed a patch to enable usershares in samba). So, well, even if things can still be improved, many Good collaboration also often happens.

23 October 2007

Christian Perrier: Give credit where due...

I recently ranted about Ubuntu not giving much credit to Debian. I have to complete this by thanking the Merge-o-Matic feature which (for a few months now) sends to package maintainers a diff file with the Debian package when a new Ubuntu package is uploaded. This sometimes make it quite easy to spot modifications done by Ubuntu and eventually adopt them. This already bringed me, as maintainer, a few interesting patches for iso-codes, console-data and geneweb. In the case of iso-codes, samba and geneweb, the Ubuntu patch was even reported manually as a Debian bug by a Ubuntu contributor/developer (no later than today, Martin Pitt took care to suggest us to adopt bzip2 compression for iso-codes and Mathias Gug proposed a patch to enable usershares in samba). So, well, even if things can still be improved, many Good collaboration also often happens.

